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Re: Wajig toupgrade reports stuff that wajig upgrade doesn't upgrade!

nikki@trumphurst.com wrote:
>I now use Graham Williams wajig shell script as a front end to apt, 
>mostly because of the extra facilities it provides an easy interface 
>The other day I added a new security line to my sources.list, so I ran 
>wajig update, followed by wajig toupgrade. The toupgrade reported a 
>package to upgrade. So I ran wajig upgrade, but it said there were no 
>packages to upgrade...
>pentium:/usr/local/bin# wajig toupgrade
>Package                 Available               Installed
>e2fsprogs               1.18-3                  1.18-3.0potato1

That looks like a bug in his version comparison; 1.18-3 is older than

Why not just use dselect? :)

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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