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cvs server saga -- continued

i'm still trying to get a cvs/repository SERVER going on my
potato system -- by (thanks for the link, Jesse) following the
instrux on http://cvsbook.red-bean.com/cvsbook.html -- but:

	will$ df -h /var
	Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
	/dev/hda7             1.5G  1.4G   11M  99% /var


	will$ find /var/log -mtime -2 -size +10000 | xargs /bin/ls -l
	-rw-r-----  1 root  adm   253149058 Jul  8 20:53 /var/log/daemon.log
	-rw-r-----  1 root  adm    9427462 Jul  8 07:12 /var/log/daemon.log.0
	-rw-r-----  1 root  adm   262587300 Jul  8 20:53 /var/log/syslog
	-rw-r-----  1 root  adm   100422839 Jul  8 06:39 /var/log/syslog.0

runaway train!

mutt showed me four logcheck reports (after a nice, long wait
while it counted lines) about this size:

	 856 N  Jul 08 root   (613129) server 07/08/01:05.02 system check                                                         

(that's 613 THOUSAND lines of noteworthy log messages [according
to logcheck] in an hour!)

most of which contained TONS of this:
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31924]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31928]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31924]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31928]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31924]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31928]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31924]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31928]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31924]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:26 server tcpd[31928]: connect from               
	Jul  8 04:02:27 server tcpd[31924]: connect from                
	Jul  8 04:02:27 server tcpd[31928]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:27 server tcpd[31924]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:27 server tcpd[31928]: connect from
	Jul  8 04:02:27 server tcpd[31924]: connect from

holy cow!

( is my secondary linux box where i do most of my
testing; this is from aka 'server')

the only think i can think of that i've done in the past few
hours is get cvs mostly up...

aha. sure enough. 'top' showed me where i went wrong -- ps
reveals these two:

31924 ?   R   559:22 tcpd /usr/bin/cvs --allow-root=/usr/local/site/cvsroot pserver
31928 ?   R   559:06 tcpd /usr/bin/cvs --allow-root=/usr/local/site/cvsroot pserver

boy that's a lot-o-cpu time.

that's from the cvsbook 'use tcp wrappers' idea in inetd.conf
(or xinetd.conf) which i may have gotten wrong. but now, the
immediate question is not "how do i set up a cvs server" but

	now that i've renamed the huge logfiles (syslog and
	daemon.log among them) i've restarted various servers
	(mysql, postgresql, apache) but how to i re-establish new
	"syslog" and "daemon.log" entries? surely a windo~1 style
	restart is unnecessary...? 

up 296 days, 22:18,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.38, 1.21

DEBIAN NEWBIE TIP #69 from Will Trillich <will@serensoft.com> 
Preparing to UPGRADE POSTGRESQL? If you have a second machine
on your network that you can tinker with, do your upgrade
there, first: you can have your current applications link to
the remote database through the network:
	psql -h myDB
or in perl,
	$dbh = DBI->connect('dbi:Pg:dbname=myDB;host=');
(You may need to tweak your 'host-based access' settings in
/etc/postgresql/pg_hba.conf, first.) Once you're satisfied that
all is well, upgrade your main server. No down time!
  See "man psql" and "man DBD::Pg" for details.

[you think this tip is verbose? wait 'til you see our documents
over at http://newbieDoc.sourceForge.net/ ...]

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