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Re: transfering linux system to another hard drive

Hi Cheryl,

Transferring a Linux system is in my experience as simple as copying the

1. Boot up with a boot disk

2. Mount the source partitions of your failing drive under /src/ (ie
   /src/var, /src/usr, ...  if you have split up your Linux tree in
   partitions) and the destination partitions on the new drive under

3. Copy the contents of each partition individually.  Eg, if you have a
   seperate /usr partition do:

   	cp -xa /src/usr /dst

   -x stays on the filesystem, ie it does not cross partition
   -a works recursive, keeps symlinks and time information

4. Adjust partition data on your destination filesystems if necessary.
   Only /dst/etc/fstab comes to mind, but should not be applicable in
   your case.

5. Reboot with the new hard disk.

That should be it.  I've done it a couple of times and didn't run into
any trouble, although the above list is off the top of my head.

Good luck!

Viktor Rosenfeld
WWW: http://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/~rosenfel/

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