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X/testing crappy?

hi all,
i noticed threads about X in unstable being unusable, but couldn't
find the time to scan them, so i am posting this with a report from my

for like 4-5 days now, xdm (v4) fails to start my .xsession. before
that, i've had X crash while i moved a window in WindowMaker, and
since i rarely restart X, the problems could be 2 weeks old.

i can identify four of them, some might be dependent and caused by
others - they are indented as i see fit.

(1) xdm reports

     /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/xinit/xinitrc: /usr/bin/ssh-agent
     /home/madduck/.xsession: No such file or directory

   in .xsession-errors, even though .xsession is a perfectly well
   written, executable script which works if i do


   and then start .xsession from the xterm i get. that's how i have
   to use X these days...

   (2) ctrl-a and ctrl-e don't work anymore, somehow i have vi
       handling in my shell - but only in X. console works just fine.

(3) startx doesn't start X anymore, but returns to the command line.
    xinit works.

(4) randomly, when i move a window in X with WindowMaker as my WM, X
    freezes. The system still seems fully operable, and i can still
    move my mouse, but there is no control possible with the keyboard
    (hence no switching consoles), and the windows can't be dragged

any clues?

martin;              (greetings from the heart of the sun.)
  \____ echo mailto: !#^."<*>"|tr "<*> mailto:"; net@madduck
"information superhighway"
 is just an anagram for
"i'm on a huge wispy rhino fart".

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