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Re: uptime

To regain some on-topic-ness: if you ever need to get the redhat-version 
 of Checkpoint FireWall-1 to run on a Debian box, I might be able to help..

You probably don´t want to read below, I´m basically just ranting.

On Mon, 17 Sep 2001 00:08:30 +0200, Martin F Krafft writes:
>also sprach Robert Waldner (on Mon, 17 Sep 2001 12:01:26AM +0200):
>> Not to give NT any honour, but that´s probably FW-1. It runs reasonably
>>  (for commercial-firewall-software - values of) stable on AIX, Solaris and
>>  Debian, but the NT-port is...utter crap.
>ever done MFC programming? or windoze API for that sake? aaaaaaaah!

Yes. BTDT. There are win32-API books gathering dust in my bookshelf, 
 just to remind me where I don´t want to go today, tomorrow, well, just
 never again. The IDE of SQLWindows/Centura was nice, though, those
 expanding levels of code did wonders for huge projects.

But Turbo-C/-Pascal were nicer in almost any other aspect. And I´ll 
 never forget not being able to port some program to COBOL, until I 
 realised that the very concept of recursions didn´t cross the minds of 
 those inventing those ugly beast.

>> The Policy Editor, OTOH, is quite nice.
>sure, but there are better. i forgot the name of the one i have in
>mind, i'll post it tomorrow from the office.

Since I guess this will be of commercial software, and not very 
 Debian-related, you might want to consider sending your reply as 
 private mail...

&r<Those are /un/pleasant memories, I think I need a drink now>w
-- "Women novelists are a bit like a dog walking
-- upon his hind legs; he does not do it well but
-- one is surprised to see that he does it at all"

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