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Re: Installed netscape, but how do I start it?

On Fri, Sep 14, 2001 at 10:57:57PM -0400, Peter Christensen wrote:
| Thanks for all the suggestions!  I really am trying to learn the basics
| of Linux, a few weeks ago bought Peter Norton's _Complete Guide to
| Linux_, but am finding it not too helpful at this point.  (The book was
| on sale, remaindered, I guess not a big seller!)  Karsten, I will check
| out the books that you recommended.  I really do need more instruction!
| I installed both Linux 2.1 (kernel 2.1.121 shows up in a message at
| startup time) and Netscape 4.75 from CDs. 
| (I copied the .tar file for Netscape from the CD)  I installed Netscape
| because I had problems with the Mozilla that came on the Debian CDs.  I
| was able to connect to my ISP, then start Mozilla, but the one thing
| that I couldn't do in Mozilla was go to a website by typing in the URL

Oh.  What happens if you type

    host www.debian.org

in a terminal?

What happens if you try to go to

in mozilla?

What sort of internet connection do you have?  Is it dial-up,
ethernet, DSL, cable?

| then hitting enter. Nothing happened when I hit enter.  I was only able
| to go to links that were already on the homepage that came up when I
| started Mozilla, and then of course follow links from there.  At this
| point I am still using Windows 95.  (I have a dual-boot with LILO.)  I
| would love to get away from Windows 95.
| Karsten, I tried the $ echo $PATH command and it listed five paths, none
| of which contained the netscape executable.  When I switched to
| /usr/local/netscape and typed:
|   ./netscape
| or
|   /usr/local/netscape/netscape

There's the executable.  With your current setup you need to either
add that directory (/usr/local/netscape) to your PATH or (preferrably)
add a symlink to it :

    ln -s /usr/local/netscape/netscape /usr/local/bin/netscape

You have /usr/local/bin in your PATH already, right?

| I got the following:
|   error in loading shared libraries
|   libstdc++-libc6.1-1.so.2:  cannot open shared object file:  no such
| file or directory
| Is this because Netscape 4.75 has problems?  If I buy a new set of

This means that when netscape was compiled it was linked against a
different version of libstdc++ than the one you have right now.  There
really isn't a solution since we don't have netscape's sources to
recompile it.

If you can get to the internet at all (or if you want to use the CDs),
try using 'apt-get' to install stuff.

Here are instructions to setup apt for
    cdrom :
        First run 'apt-cdrom' to tell apt what CDs you have and to
        build a database of the available packages.

    internet :
        Include lines such as the following in /etc/apt/sources.list

        deb http://security.debian.org stable/updates main contrib non-free
        deb http://http.us.debian.org/debian stable main contrib non-free
        deb http://non-us.debian.org/debian-non-US stable/non-US main contrib non-free
        Then run 'apt-get update' to update the database of available

To install a package run 'apt-get install <package name>', or to
upgrade packages that are already installed run 'apt-get upgrade'.  If
you really want netscape, then I think 'navigator-smotif-477' is the
package you want to install.  I actually prefer galeon as my browser.
I don't think you are having problems with mozilla, but rather with
internet connectivity.


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