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Re: Attempted to kill init

> Okay, I have two debian machines, Delirium and Sacrifice, networking 
> nicely, and running in a way that I find useful.
> Sacrifice has just received a gift of a new CD-R, and so I need to compile 
> a new kernel to support it.
> I've compiled the newest kernel, 2.4.9 (Actually, I tried this for 2.4.6 
> too, but didn't have the time to fight with it then. Same result then) in 
> the same way I've always done it for Delirium, using the Debian 
> Kernel-package tools (Which make life *much* easier than it ever was under 
> Mandrake, but I digress). And I've compiled and installed the package, and 
> it's booting from the new vmlinuz, which is in /boot/, the same as the old 
> 2.2.17 was.
> However.
> Every time I boot into the new kernel, it gets as far as running the 
> autodetect on the IDE chain (Which it does sucessfully) and then says:
> invalid operand 0000
> (Whole string of hex and other associated stuff, see below)
> Kernel Panic: Attempted to kill init.
> I'd quote you the entire message, but it doesn't seem to be logged anywhere 
> (The drives aren't mounted yet, I assume, so it isn't logging, but feel 
> free to prove me wrong).
> Can anyone help solve this problem, or tell me how I can provide the list 
> with the information that would mean someone can?

As far as I know, the switch to the 2.4 branch requires installing some 
specially made debs. You might try looking in http://lists.debian.org/devel/deb
ian-devel for the messages about it. I believe they were in July, were the one 
who had prepare them has announced what he was doing.

> -- 
> Nick Avenell
> http://www.aquarionics.com
> -- 
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	Shaul Karl <shaulka@bezeqint.net>

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