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slow startup of modem-connection

When I type "pon" there is a 'long' wait before I hear the modem
starts dialing. (When I type "poff" however, the connection is
instantaneously cut off). I guess it is not "pon" itself that is the
trouble, but rather the connect-script. 

My problem is that I am running a little lan, and we have diald
running. However, since the script connect so slow, users have to
continue to try connecting a few times before diald manages to get the
line up. 

I seem to remember there where some options to speed up the
connection-process (dial the number quicker and stuff) but I have
forgotten how to do it -- it's a few years since I last had a modem...

Cheers, Stig
 00:02:50 up 1 day,  9:08,  4 users,  load average: 0.12, 0.14, 0.06

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