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Re: local deb and apt-get versioning

andy <abezella@gmvnetwork.com> wrote:
>i'm running into the following situation with a local debian package...
>i wanted to use mutt w/ssl, so i ran
>apt-get source mutt
>and edited the mutt-1.2.5/debian/rules file to enable ssl.
>apt-get source --compile mutt ; dpkg -i mutt_1.2.5-4_sparc.deb
>worked and the deb installed; everything is happy.
>then an apt-get update && apt-get upgrade tried to upgrade mutt (?)
>is this the normal behavior?  i would've thought that since the version
>is the same, apt-get would not try to upgrade the package.

No, apt will still try to upgrade it if file sizes and md5sums etc.
don't match. Edit debian/changelog in the source and add an entry at the
top numbered 1.2.5-4.0.1 (generally, add 0.0.1 to the version number)
and the packaging system won't try to "upgrade" the package until a
genuinely new version comes along.

>what is the preferred method of resolving this?  place a hold on the
>local package?

That works too, but you might miss genuine upgrades.

Colin Watson                                  [cjwatson@flatline.org.uk]

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