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Re: Serial Port 0 - Can you help?

On Tue, Nov 28, 2000 at 10:45:32AM -0600, Dave Bacon wrote:
> I have referenced all of my Linux books on this one and still can't find
> a solution.  So I am hoping you can help me.  I need to find a way to
> prevent Linux from bringing serial line 0 up after a reboot.  The
> ifconfig utility shows serial line 0 (sl0) as a PPP port set to an IP
> Address of  For some reason, I can't use eth0 to connect to
> the Internet until I run "ifconfig sl0 down".  Thanks in advance for any
> ideas or suggestions you can send my way.

I saw that you already found that you could remove the kernel
module. But was sl0 not brought up in /etc/network/interfaces?
Removing the sl0 auto stanza should have worked as well. (man

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