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Re: Complete local mirror.

At 09:00 2000/08/15 -0600, you wrote:
So, with all this in mind, if you can be more specific about what you want to mirror maybe we can be more specific on how to go about doing it.

Ok, sure.
I should have mentioned this before, but I'm only going to do stable x86, since that's all I have around right now anyway.
I may also do unstable x86, but not right away.

I'm looking to setup something on my local fileserver, perhaps using cron to update nightly, so my local machines can apt-get from my fileserver (FTP server is running on there, so AFAIK it could just be it's own sources.list line).

My machines are all x86 based, so I know I don't need all the other arch stuff, but I would like the source as well.

I'd also like to use rsync, so that it uses as little network traffic as possible, since the Debian mirrors are probably gonna be busy as hell for the next few weeks.

Is this clearer?

I'm not familiar with apt-move so maybe someone else can pick up the ball and run with it.

I've been reading the man pages for it, as well. I think I have a handle on it, but I wouldn't mind hearing if anyone else has this setup, and any pitfalls that they ran into.

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

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