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Re: Themes in mozilla

On Mon, Aug 14, 2000 at 12:03:40PM -0400, Stuart Ballard wrote:
> The current debian package of mozilla (M17-1) seems to fail to bring up
> any entries in the Themes list. It also seems to not have mail and news,
> even though there is no mozilla-mailnews package (I even looked in
> Incoming...).
> Does anyone else see these problems or is it something in my
> installation only? I didn't find any reports on the BTS, so I wanted to
> make sure this wasn't just me before reporting it as a bug (besides, I
> haven't received any responses to any bugs I have ever filed on the
> mozilla package, and lots of ancient ones are still open).

If you intsall it in you /home dir the mail will come up.  I don't know why this is though.  And the themes actually work also.

> I wouldn't mind so much about the Themes issue if Classic was the
> default... but I don't even have the option of selecting it!
> Thanks,
> Stuart.
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Jim Ray
Lead System Engineer

"Express yourself but listen to others." 
				Jon Fishman
				Phish Drummer

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