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Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

:: On Sat, 5 Aug 2000 13:15:22 -0700 (PDT), "nate@firetrail.com" <nate@firetrail.com> said:

> pelleg >Yes. I'll try a few things:
> pelleg >
> pelleg >- switch from xmms to freemp;
> pelleg >- then, from ps/2 to serial;
> pelleg >- then, from X 3.3.6 to 4.0.1...

> thats good, what kind of soundcard? i dont think a program like xmms or
> freeamp would hang the system but the sound driver may puke and cause such
> a problem.

This is a SB 16, ISA... Plug and Pray.

FreeAmp didn't hang the system yet, but it does segfault
sometimes. I'll get the version from potato and see if it's any

Can this really be a problem?
I bought this soundcard some time ago... And indeed, it ws near the
time when I got the new mouse, etc...

> nate


Jeronimo Pellegrini
Institute of Computing - Unicamp - Brazil
mailto:jeronimo@ic.unicamp.br    mailto:pellegrini@iname.com

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