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Re: System locked and now complains at startup about modules

On 5 Aug 2000, Jeronimo Pellegrini wrote:

pelleg >> pelleg >Motherboard DFI PA61 ATX   (VIA Apollo Pro 133 chipset - 693/596b)
pelleg >> my current board has that chipset i believe (asus cuv4x)
pelleg >
pelleg >I think I heard some not so nice things about VIA chipsets...
pelleg >Like, poor CPU performance when doing UDMA, and other problems.

100% scsi !@ woohoo. ide is slow in any system.

pelleg >Hm, thanks. As far as I could see, mine is not blacklisted
pelleg >(yet)... It's a WD153BA.
pelleg >I've used it for a few months, and got no problems. But it's good
pelleg >toknow that I shouldn't put a Maxtor sharing IRQs with it...

ok then its prob not the hdd..

pelleg >But the modules problem was actually a bug in modutils... It's fixed
pelleg >now. 

oh, cool.

pelleg >Yes. I'll try a few things:
pelleg >
pelleg >- switch from xmms to freemp;
pelleg >- then, from ps/2 to serial;
pelleg >- then, from X 3.3.6 to 4.0.1...

thats good, what kind of soundcard? i dont think a program like xmms or
freeamp would hang the system but the sound driver may puke and cause such
a problem.

pelleg >I backed up /etc/X11 and /usr/X11R6
pelleg >And held all updates of packages that could install anything on
pelleg >/usr/X11R6...

thats good.

pelleg >But I think that if you compile it yourself, you can install it in a
pelleg >different directory (/usr/X11R6.4); then you could even keep
pelleg >installing stuff under the old /usr/X11R6 and just include
pelleg >/usr/X11R6.4 in your PATH...

thats good, i remember compiling 3.3.4/3.3.5 from source for slink even
tho it worked great i didnt back anything up so it made deb upgrades quite
difficult(i just reinstalled w/potato on another drive)


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