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Re: Building root filesystem as regular user

Tue, Jun 06, 2000 at 06:53:06PM -0800 skrev Ethan Benson:
> On Wed, Jun 07, 2000 at 01:55:16AM +0200, Anton Emmerfors wrote:
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I'm in the process of building a small single disk linux for my
> > firewall (and yes, I'm aware of the prefab alternatives, I'm just a
> > DIY kind of guy =) and I'm wondering if there is a smooth way to
> > build a filesystem as my regular login. As things are now I need to be
> > root to give files proper perms. I'm looking for something like
> > fakeroot but the other way around. Any takers? Or should I redirect
> > this to the debian-boot list?
> why can't you use a fakeroot shell to set the proper permissions and
> then tar up the whole thing, tar will be fooled by fakeroot's lies and
> your tarball will have the proper permissions embedded.  if your
> working on the target disk directly and don't want to mess with tar
> when your already there, then i think being root is the only option.  

Well, normally I build the file system in a directory and transfer it
to a loop-mounted file which I then compress and write to floppy.

I think you put me on track though; I guess I have to look at some
creative use of tar and tmpfiles... =)

Thanks for your quick reply.

        /regards Anton
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