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Re: console mutt emacs problem

Lance Hoffmeyer <lanceh@ibm.net> writes:
LH> I have a problem using emacs inside of mutt.  This has just
LH> occured recently.  If I try to write an email in mutt the editor
LH> is emacs.  When I try is now it locks up the console.  I have to
LH> use 'kill' to free it up again.  I can, however, open mutt up
LH> through a window in X and get emacs to work as I am doing now.
LH> Any idea how to fix this?

(Guessing)  Is the DISPLAY environment variable set, and does it point 
to a valid X display?  If so, Emacs will, by default, start up on the
X display so referenced, and Mutt will most likely sit around doing
absolutely nothing (and being non-responsive) until Emacs returns.
Try unsetting $DISPLAY, or running 'emacs -nw' to force a tty-mode

David Maze             dmaze@mit.edu          http://www.mit.edu/~dmaze/
"Theoretical politics is interesting.  Politicking should be illegal."
	-- Abra Mitchell

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