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Re: .tgz? How do I go about extracting them?


On Tue, Jul 27, 1999 at 09:41:18PM +1000, Revenant wrote:
> There's a very complex method listed in my "Running Linux" book.  But,
> given the rate at which Linux is evolving, pretty old.
> Is there a easier, newer way than that convoluted string piping from
> gzip to tar etc. ?

The "gzip -dc <filename>.tar.gz | tar -xf -" -Method is the generic way to go
about this task.  This works on  any Unix system.

If GNU tar is at hand, which is usually the case unter Linux, use the
"-z"-switch.  This processes the file with gzip first; it turns the
above command into

	tar -xzf <filename>.tar.gz

Note that gzip understands both .gz-files (of course) and older .Z
(compress) files.

Newer versions of GNU tar (1.12) also support bzip2 compressed files (.bz2)
with the -I switch.

So long -- Stephan
Stephan Engelke                                    engelke@math.uni-hamburg.de
               *** If only women came with pulldown menus and online help. ***

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