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Re: basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)

	Subject: basic info (so this newbie can quit bugging you pros)
	Date: Mon, Jul 26, 1999 at 02:55:06PM -0700

In reply to:pplaw

Quoting pplaw(pplaw@pcisys.net):
> hello d-community,
> i can at least boot d-linux (so, i get some "credit," right?).

Yes you do.

 [ snip help request, answered by others ]
> anyway, the "pro" talk seems to be in favor of shutting off newbies, so
> before that happens, can someone gently give me help regarding the
> man(ual).  (believe me, i'd love to find the answers on my own by
> reading a manual.  i just need help getting to it.)

I am sorry but I believe you have this wrong.

The Newbie GuideLines project was proposed, and is being worked on, as
a project to Help newbies rather than "shutting them off".  We wont to
assist them by giving them an information package the will integrate
them into Debian/Linux rather then shut them out.

In the process we will have less occasion to see the 'RTFM'
suggestions that come out of the frustration of seeing the same crys
for help week after week.  

The intent is to make Pro's out of Newbies by getting the newbies up
to speed and on their own.

I hope this clears this up for you.

C, n.:
  A programming language that is sort of like Pascal except more like assembly 
except that it isn't very much like either one, or anything else.  It is either 
the best language available to the art today, or it isn't.
                -- Ray Simard
Wayne T. Topa <wtopa@mindspring.com>

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