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Re: Network addressing

>>>>> "Kaa" == \[ Kaa \] <Kaa> writes:

    Kaa> 	route add -net 24.5.xx.yy -netmask eth0
    Kaa> did NOT work ('route' complained about inconsistency)

You used the host address (24.5.xx.yy) instead of the network address

The route to use for a packet is determined by comparing the
destination of the route to the destination of the packet. The netmask
of the route controls which bits of the address are used in this
comparison. This, if the netmask is, the route will
only be used for one particular host. If the netmask is, it's
the default route, used for everything that isn't otherwise

"route", seeing that you were specifying bits in the net address that
your the netmask said weren't to be used, complained.
I get my monkeys for nothing and my chimps for free.

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