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Re: Help! Kernel woes.

William R Pentney wrote:

> > > I have tried recompiling a 2.2 kernel, and now I have two problems:
> > >
> > > 1) The new kernel isn't recognizing my network card. I used the "PCI
> > > NE2000" option; it worked before on a 2.0.34 kernel I compiled on a
> > > floppy. Might I be missing an important option?

Have you tried ifconfig?  The kernel might be supporting the card just fine, but the
card might not be "turned on".  I'm running the 2.2.5 kernel on a slightly hacked
slink dist, and had to put the following lines into my /etc/init.d/network file:

    ifconfig eth0
    route add -net netmask dev eth0

I did not have to do this until I moved to the 2.2.x kernel, but it seems to work
just fine.

> > Did you compile it in kernel or as modules. I also have a SB16, and
> > found that it was a bit unobvious how to configure it in
> > menuconfig... Did you get to the step of specifying the DMA, IRQ
> > etc.etc.? Which driver did you chose? You should have chosen "OSS sound
> > modules" AND "100% Sound Blastaer compatibles", and only then would
> > you have been revealed the possibility to enter I/O, IRQ etc.
> Did all of that, and it was set up with correct IRQ and all, but I still
> couldn't use /dev/audio. It is, as mentioned, a PnP. Should I use the
> mysterious "isapnptools" package?

The only way I can ever get sound to work with soundblasters is to say M to sound,
but say Y to all the drivers (OSS sound modules, etc).  Please disregard if you've
already done this.


Adler's Distinction:
        Language is all that separates us from the lower animals,
        and from the bureaucrats.

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