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Re: Mounting /fd0 (Was Re: Base2_0.tgz missing man command.)

mount /dev/fd0 /floppy/ seems to do the trick. Is there  a script I can set up that would run
fdflush every time I want to access the floppy?



Ole J. Tetlie wrote:

> *-Jim <jslawlfr@flash.net>
> |
> | Now, I find that when trying to mount /fd0 I get  the error "can't find  /fd0 in /etc/mtab
> | or /etc/fstab
> | I have edited /etc/fstab to include this line...
> | /dev/fd0       /floppy        auto      noauto,sync     0     0
> | as per the instructions I found at www.debian.org/~hp/tutorial/debian-tutorial.html
> | however I get the same error message even after shutdown and reboot.
> Try 'mount /floppy' or 'mount /dev/fd0' instead. They should both work.
> There's no need to mess with /etc/mtab. It is written by mount and umount
> as a log of which devices are currently mounted.
> --
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