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Re: Need help configuring samba

> Client for Microsoft Networks is exactly what you need. You should also 
> make TCP/IP the only network protocol or if that is not possible, you should
> make it the standard protocol. Make sure, broadcast and IP adresses are ok.
Ok,  thanks.  

Now that I've got that much working,  Windows95 insists on asking me for a
username when I log in (Enter a username to log on to Microsoft
Networking).  Is there anyway I can get it to be the same username/passwd
combination as the unix ones I use on the samba host? 

And:  Now it can find my printer (on the samba host) fine.  But it says
"User interaction required".  I tried printing a test page but nothing
ever happened.  I imagine that this is because it needs me to log on to
the samba host for it to be able to access the printer.
1) How do I do this?
2) If I can set the username/passwd for "Microsoft Networks" the same as
for the samba host,  will it happen automatically?

I don't want to make my printer globally available because I'm on a LAN
here that has hundreds of other machines on it,  and I don't want them to
be able to print to my printer.


|             harpo@udel.edu lowe@cis.udel.edu lowe@debian.org           |
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