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Re: Problem with module after recompile

"Michael Legart" <120010307627@post5.tele.dk> writes:


> just one thing ... I have to disable use of external 
> cache, or else it wount compile without errors... that really makes 
> compiling slow ! If you ask me, that is... isn't 65 minuttes 
> compiletime too much on  a 486-dx80 with 16 megs of ram ?

I'm pretty sure it didn't take that long on my DX2/66 with _8_ megs of
RAM (unless I had X running).  I didn't actually stick around to watch
it though, and it would have been 1.2.13.

What were the errors?  If they were about signal 11 and/or 6, that's
usually a sign of bad memory (cache in your case); it happens often
with kernel compiles.  Try memtest86 from the hwtools package and see
if it finds any errors.  There's a good web page about those errors,
but I can't find it ATM.

		Carey Evans  <*>  c.evans@clear.net.nz

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