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Re: Tcl/Tk 8.0

On 30 Aug 1997, Michael Harnois wrote:

> Will Lowe <lowe@cis.udel.edu> writes:
> > ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libtcl.so (No such file or
> > directory), skipping
> > ldconfig: warning: can't open /usr/lib/libtk.so (No such file or
> > directory), skipping                              
> Run ldconfig again. If the error doesn't reappear, you're ok.
> > 	Also,  tk8.0_8.0-2.deb depends on xlib6g,  which doesn't appear to
> > be available.  Where can I find it,  and how does it differ from xlib6?
> xlib6g presumably would be xlib6 linked against glibc. It may not be
> up yet. Has anyone else seen it?

No.  xlib6g isn't out yet, but will be real-soon-now.  The maintainer has
been very busy lately, but it seems the new glibc X packages should be
here very soon.  ^_^

tk8.0 can be installed by using

	dpkg -i --force-depends tk8.0_8.0-2.deb

(It is mentioned in the message in debian-devel-changes).  It seems to
work okay with the current (old) xlib6.  ^_^


Anthony Fok Tung-Ling            foka@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Civil Engineering                http://www.ualberta.ca/~foka/
University of Alberta, Canada    Keep smiling!  *^_^*

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