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Re: samba doesn't load on boot???

                    Hello, Paul!

On Sat, 30 Aug 1997, Paul Miller wrote:

>For some reason or another samba doesn't load when I reboot.  I can load
>it manually by 'smbd;nmbd' without problems.
>here is my configuration:
>samba-des 1.9.16p11  Debian non-US distribution
>netbios-ns	137/tcp
>netbios-ns	137/udp
>netbios-dgm	138/tcp
>netbios-dgm	138/udp
>netbios-ssn	139/tcp
>netbios-ssn	139/udp
>netbios-ssn  stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/smbd
>netbios-ns   stream  tcp  nowait  root  /usr/sbin/tcpd  /usr/sbin/nmbd

smbd and nmbd are not inet programs. They should be runned as daemons.
Insert calls for 'smbd -D' and 'nmbd -D' in your rc files.

You will remember something that you should not have forgotten.

    With best of best regards, Pawel S. Veselov (aka Black Angel)
       internet : vps@unicorn.niimm.spb.su ( mail,finger,talk )
                  fidonet : 2:5030/5.412
                schoolnet : 21:9000/412
                 Web page : http://www.niimm.spb.su/~vps/

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