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Fwd: Cron <ftpadmin@tuonela> pub-index --clean --ls; pub-index --find; /usr/bin/pub-new --new --post; pub-html

Good morning!

Can anyone explain me such an error message?

-----Forwarded message from root@tuonela.infodrom.north.de (Cron Daemon)-----

sed: couldn't write 87 items to {Unknown file pointer}

-----End of forwarded message-----

This is the only sed statemend.  It's in pub-index, which is a 
shell script.  pub-new and pub-html both are perl scripts.

    | sed 's,/home/ftp,,g' >> $out



  / Martin Schulze  *  joey@infodrom.north.de  *  26129 Oldenburg /
 / =?iso-8859-1?q?kristian_k=f6hntopp@cyberbox.north.de          /
/        verursacht durch kaputte Gatesoftware auf der CyberBox /

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