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Re: alien: is it used to install or convert rpms?

On Tue, 23 Sep 1997, Martin Str|mberg wrote:

> Hello.
> I was reading about running software on clusters of machines. There's 
> (at least) two different ways: PVM and MPI.
> Neither of them seems to be available as a debian package, but I have
> found a rpm package of MPI.
> Now my questions. Is alien supposed to install rpms, or to convert
> them to debs, which can be installed? If it's converting them to debs,
> or not and I have to repackage them, is there interest for a MPI
> package?

Alien can do all this:

[remco@cal011205:~]$ alien --help
Usage: alien [options ...] file
  file                    Packge file to convert.
  -d, --to-deb            Generate a Debian deb package. (default)
     Enables the following option:
       --patch=<patch>    Specify patch file to use instead of
                          looking for patch in /var/lib/alien.
  -r, --to-rpm            Generate a RedHat rpm package.
  -t, --to-tgz            Generate a Slackware tgz package.
  -i, --install           Install generated package.
  -g, --generate          Unpack, but do not generate a new package.
  -s, --single            Like --generate, but do not create .orig
  -c, --scripts           Include scripts in package.
  -k, --keep-version      Do not change version of generated package.
  -h, --help              Display this help message.

I think this includes all you want to do with it, and more. If you want to
release it as a package in the Debian distribution, you will have to edit
the control files, so you will have to use the '-g' option, edit the
control files and then put the whole thing together as a .deb package.

Regarding a MPI package (from what I understand from it): it would be nice
to play with it, but personally I won't need it.


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