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Re: XFree86 3.3 SVGA and S3 Virge/VX

On 21 Sep 1997, H Huang wrote:

>  Will> Hi.  I'm using the XFree86 3.3 SVGA server with my diamond
>  Will> Today I downloaded the XF86_SVGA 3.3.1 binary from
> Why no reconfigure X?

Because 3.3.1 is a minor revision of 3.3,  and doesn't seem to have any
different options/configuration things.  The problem has occured with
Xfre86 3.3 and 3.3.1,  so it seems to me to be an X problem and not a
config problem.

> RTFM. Something that worked with X 3.2 may not work with 3.3 or higher.
I did,  thanks.  I'm not (nor have I ever been) using 3.2,  so there's no
issue here.  I started with 3.3,  and tried to move to 3.3.1 to see if the
problem was fixed.


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