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Re: 1st install, dselect error on "at" package, can't go further

[Posted and mailed. Eh - mailed and mailed.]

In article <[🔎] 1997Sep19.113037.35362@vnet.ibm.com> you wrote:
: Subject pretty well says it all... even tried both mini and full
: installs.

Yes but not in any way near enough to make us able to help you: you
say what goes wrong but not the error messages.

: Installing from "official Debian 1.3(.1)" obtained recently from
: CheapBytes.
: How do I find out what's wrong with the package and bypass it?
: Richard Nelson

Considering the amount of information you are giving us, you could try
to run the Install part of dselect again (and again and again and
again; seriously this works if you're upgrading).

What's that "(.1)" part? Is it Debian 1.3.1 or not?
What is the file name of the at deb package?

If it looks like this, which is version 3.1.7-3 of at in Debian 1.3.1,
I've mananaged to install the package; but I was upgrading:


To by-pass it, just deselect the at package in dselect, but as the package
is Priority: important you might have to de-dselect a lot of other packages.
I don't know what will happen, but if you're desperate you could try setting
the at package on hold and see what breaks.

Good luck,


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