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distribution page

I read your distribution page about Linux.
A few points about Debian; yes, there are six floppies
but you can boot off the official 1.3 CD now if your system supports
it and I believe there are other floppy-less or floppy-fewer solutions.
Yes, the dselect interface isn't too good, but there's a new interface
(to dpkg) planned for the next major Debian release.

Re: installation being bad news from CD-ROM drive, I've installed
it about five times now and never had any problem, except
with an old SoundBlaster-type CD-ROM drive; I just did an NFS
install off another machine instead. I never found it to be
any worse than Slackware, which I've also used in the past.


Hamish Moffatt, StudIEAust                    moffatt@yallara.cs.rmit.edu.au
Student, computer science & computer systems engineering.    3rd year, RMIT.
http://hamish.home.ml.org/ (PGP key here)             CPOM: [****      ] 49%
The opposite of a profound truth may well be another profound truth.  --Bohr

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