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Problems installing 1.3

Please CC all your messages to me because I don't subscribe here regualary..

I have been trying to install debian 1.3 as a new install.

I created me a Rescue 1440 Disk and a Dev 1440 Disk ( I think its called that) (been a long day)...

I installed the base file on my dos partition and installed it fine.
I setup all of my devices.

Everything installed fine with out a hitch until I get to DSELECT.

I Choose FTP in step 0... worked...
I choose to update ...worked...
I choose select and only selected the recommended and nothing else.

I go to update and the system gives me GCC erros.,  Can't Map GCC....  I don't have the exact error here as I am at home now..

I have finally found the gcc compiler deb files and did a dpkg -i gcc*.deb and seemed to install.  but I still can't do an install cause now I get another error about libff something....  What have I done wrong....  I am lost...

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

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