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Re: Installing Debian 1.2

> Would someone PLEASE answer my e-mails and help? I have tried to install
> Debian Linux, and get stuck in the cfdisk menu. How do I go through this
> menu, and continue? I would appreciate an answer. 
> 	I am not a novice at this, since I am running Win 95, NT 4.0 and OS/2
> WARP on different partitions, and would like to add Linux to experiment
> and add to my knowledge. After all, to paraphase a quote; "Knowledge is
> money". :-) It would be helpful to read other mail here if I have
> something running to work with.
You just have to partition your drive  -- do you have unused space for
an additional partition on it?
Anyway, why don't you check out http://www.debian.org ,
follow "Documentation" link, and read two nice documets on installing

Good luck.

Alex Y.
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