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Re: Pascal Compiler

krow0612@uia.net writes:

> I recently attempted to compile a simple Pascal program to make sure
> gpc is working. I was surprised to get the error:
> 	ld: cannot open -lgpc: No such file or directory
> I thought I might have missed installing  the libraries so I reinstalled
> gpc and the library from dselect. I assume I got all the packages since
> I fixed the dependency problems which popped up when I selected gpc. After
> installing everything, the same error popped up, how do I get ld to find
> the Pascal library?

'dpkg --status gpc' shows:

Version: 2.0-3
Depends: libc5, gcc (>=, gcc (<<, libgpc2

'dpkg --listfiles libgpc2' shows


You should have libgpc2 package installed.

Alair Pereira do Lago  <alair@ime.usp.br> <http://www.ime.usp.br/~alair>
Computer Science Department -- Universidade de S~ao Paulo -- Brazil

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