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Re: more on scsi controllers

> dir /proc/scsi

> cat /proc/scsi/aha152x (in my case) give ioport, irq, and a whole bunch of
> cool techie words.

bash-2.00# dir /proc/scsi/
bash-2.00# cat /proc/scsi/scsi 
Attached devices: none
bash-2.00# dir /proc/scsi/
bash-2.00# cat /proc/scsi/scsi 
Attached devices: none

> If nothing is there, then we need to help it along a bit.
> The LILO argument is:
> fdomain=<PORT_BASE>,<IRQ>[,<ADAPTER_ID>]

but what do i use for fdomain?  or is fdomain literal?   
> Does the card have jumpers? Somebody on this list might have docs. In the
> meantime I am looking for a spec on the www.

I have port bases & irq's; they're actually labeled by the jumpers


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