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Re: NIS Problem ... about to be solved? (I hope)

Karl Ferguson wrote:
> Well this won't affect you then - I was referring to a completely
> fresh
> install of the 1.3 basedisks - during that setup it asks whether or
> not you
> want to uyse shadow passwords.  Enabling shadow passwords in 1.3 is
> simply
> a matter of doing a "shadowconfig on" at the prompt - however, I
> advise not
> to do it, it may break NIS.  Basically, to find if your running a
> shadow
> system, see if you've got the /etc/shadow file with all your passwords
> in
> it or not.
> Regards
I don't have any /etc/shadow file on my systems. So, I'm back to
nothing. My only hope is that the new libc is released soon and will
solve my problem. By the way, will it be released to the stable tree?

Pedro I. Sanchez

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