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Updating Debian home system from machine connected to network

As the pretty longish subject already indicates, I would like to allow
my users (including myself ;-) ) to update there home system from our
Debian machines which are connected to the internet.

The scheme we currently use works as follows:

1) At home, copy your whole /var/lib/dpkg tree to a Zip Disk

2) At Institute, mount Zip Disk, make /var/lib/dpkg  link to /zip/dpkg
and with dselect update

This works but of course is far from ideal for obvious reasons (i. e.
the second step). So, I checked out '--admindir=' for dselect but that
did not work as expected. I can't be more precise at the moment because
I do not exactly know what is acually happening. One point is simply
that the package list isn't updated when I use something like 'dselect
--admindir=/zip/dpkg' and, consequently, I can't update anything. So my
question is: What am I doing wrong with dselect or is there another
program suited for this task.

Many thanks in advanc!


                     | Institute of Geophysics   phone: +49 40 4123 4389
 ANDREE LEIDENFROST  | University of Hamburg       fax: +49 40 4123 5441
    Geophysicist     | Bundesstrasse 55      e-mail: leidenfrost@dkrz.de
                     | D-20146 Hamburg        www: www.app-geoph.dkrz.de

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