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fdos, and ncftp

Two questions:

I'm trying to set up a Debian system using a disk from Cheap*Bytes
(part of their 5-disk set).  dselect says for a couple of packages
(i.e. dosemu) that fdos is recommended, but not available.  In fact, a
search of the Debian FTP structure shows that there *is* no fdos

What's up?

This is Debian 1.2.

On the same topic, dselect wants a "local" directory which isn't on
the C*B CD.  I hear they leave stuff out, so I'm not shocked.
However, dselect also insists that there's a "local" directory on the
FTP site, which there is not. I'm confused.

As for NcFTP -- can a mere newbie user request a new package?  I'm
used to NcFTP, which I've used on Panix (Sun) and on my home machine
under OS/2.  Sure, I could compile it myself, but I'm afraid that as
soon as I do, a package would be released and I'd have a hard time
upgrading.  :-)

Carl Fink             carlf@dm.net
Manager, Dueling Modems Computer Forum

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