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Initial installation

Well, I bit the bullet yesterday and started installing Debian 1.3.  I'm 
interested very much in the idea of dpkg-ftp, since I don't have a CD-ROM 
of Debian and don't want to spend my time copying the package files onto 
my hard drive.  
	I got my system to where it will boot up into Debian 1.3 and I 
can even run dselect.  I want to be able to use dpkg-ftp, but I have to 
set up my internet connection before I can do that, right?  I've looked 
through the FAQ and the installation guide, but couldn't find anything 
there to help me with this.  Could someone point me in the right 
direction or send a short walk-through on how to get my connection set up 
so I can at least run dselect and get things working?

* Robert Kerr                      *
* Robert_Kerr@byu.edu              *
* http://www.et.byu.edu/~kerrr     *
* Adam fell that men might be,     *
* and men are that they might      *
* have joy.  2 Nephi 2:25          *   

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