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Re: The X story so far...

Chris R. Martin <chrism@asic.sc.ti.com> wrote:

> I can start X by using "xinit" -- xdm STILL does NOTHING. 

the problem is probably that xdm is running, but waiting for a
connection from an X server (or is it client?  argh!).  this seems to
be the default for xdm; you have to specially configure it to use a
local server.

i spent a couple of hours last weekend trying to make xdm work, and
finally succeeded.  after poring over incomprehensible X manpages, i
finally found the magic incantation: simply add the following line to
`/etc/X11/xdm/Xservers' (without the leading spaces):

  :0 my-x-server local /usr/X11R6/bin/X :0

`my-x-server' in the above line can be anything you want; i suppose in
a single-user environment it doesn't matter.

according to the comments in that file, installing xbase should set up
this file correctly, but it didn't for me; perhaps i didn't specify at
the time that i wanted xdm to run instead of using the xinit (aka
startx) method.

disclaimer: i may have forgotten another incantation that's required
to run xdm.  i know i messed with a bunch of files, but i do remember
that this was an important key.


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