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The X story so far...

First of all, thanks to all who had comments, suggestions about my X

I have gotten X to run. It turns out that in /etc/X11/XF86Config the mouse
was setup as "/dev/mouse" when in fact I have no such device. I changed
this line to "/dev/cua0".

I can start X by using "xinit" -- xdm STILL does NOTHING. At bootup, xdm
runs, but there are NO consoles running X (C-A-F1 through C-A-F6 give me
other text consoles, and C-A-F7 through C-A-F12 do NOTHING). ps shows
getty running on consoles 1-6.

I've never used xdm before so I don't really know much about it. I can
kill the original xdm and type "xdm" again but this does nothing.

What sort of things should I be looking for? What configuration files
should I be looking at?

Thanks for all your help.

Chris R. Martin              email: chrism@asic.sc.ti.com
			     www: http://http.tamu.edu:8000/~crm7479

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