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Re: anyone interseted in pretty xa3wd scrollbars?

> 	    I've finally upgraded the arrow-style scrollbar to 3D Motif-like
> 	    scrollbar with arrows written by Dimitri P. Bouras.
> Well, it looks like xaw3d is going to have 3d scrollbars, like 'em or not,
> as soon as it gets upgraded from version 1.2a. 
I like 3d Scrolbarrs!!!!

I like them a lot. -- exempt that, at least in 1.2, _they_don't_work_.
Especially with xterm, something (I don't quite remember what) goes
wrong (this used to bexplained in the README), and they become very,
very clumsy to use (although they do still look nice).

If the same thing goes wrong with 1.3, I don't think I will make them
defaults, at least. If there appears to be as much demand for them as
it now seems, I'd be happy to at leastallow the user a choise.

Anyway, I'm on holiday at the moment (reading my emailfrom a computer
in Moskow), so I think it will be at least 2 weeks beforeI get to upgrade

But, thanks telling me about 1.3, I didn't know it yet.

joost witteveen
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