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Re: Use POD for docs! (was Re: HTML)

ian@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk (Ian Jackson)  wrote on 24.01.96 in <m0tetmb-0002btC@chiark.chu.cam.ac.uk>:

> No.  For a keywords-based help system it's very important that the
> keywords for each document are right.  A full-text search, or a search
> based on summaries or keywords invented for some other purpose,
> doesn't work at all well.

Well, yes and no. A system like man -k is certainly nice, but sometimes  
the user's and the indexer's ideas about keywords simply don't match, and  
a grep-like full text search would be very nice to have.

This means a three-level system:

1. Use official names of things.

2. Use prepared keywords.

3. If all fails, do a full text search.

This should probably be controlled by the user - if I make a simple typo  
asking for 'lila' instead of 'lilo', I don't want to wait for a full text  
search. Of course, if that search should happen to be fast enough ...

MfG Kai

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