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Re: screen problems

>Subject:  screen problems 
>Resent-Message-ID: <"V6srTD.A.5XG.VAmBx"@mongo>
>Resent-From: debian-user@Pixar.com
>X-Mailing-List: <debian-user@Pixar.com> archive/latest/4403
>X-Loop: debian-user@Pixar.com
>Precedence: list
>Resent-Sender: debian-user-request@Pixar.com
>Recently, screen has been causing me problems.  Now, whenever I detach
>screen and try to reattach, it prompts me for a password.  I have no
>idea what that password is!  It never did this until recently, so it
>may have something to do with a recent upgrade, but I don't use it
>consistantly enough to know exactly when it started acting up.
>I've tried playing with my .screenrc to set the password to "none" or
>some known password, but neither made any difference.
>Any ideas?

Sounds like you enable one or more of the security features.  The password it
asks for should be your normal login password...

 --Zachary, who ocassionally hits ^A-x

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