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Re: .rmvb a .mpg

El Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:57:27 +0100, juan escribió:

> hola amigos quisiera me ayudaran a ver de que forma pudiera convertir
> una serie de pelis que tengo en casa pero me las han traido en formato 
> .rmvb y quisiera ver de que forma pudiera convertirlas a .mpg para
> poderlas ver en HDDPlayer que no soporta la ext rmvb, ayudeneme gracias
> de antemano.

En este hilo¹ indican cómo hacerlo. Copio/pego el texto:

convert rmvb to avi
In this article, I am going to show how to convert a rmvb file to an avi 
file (mpeg4 video + mp3 audio)

1. mplayer
2. mencoder
3. essential codecs for mplayer

note: to install the above tools, please take a look to http://stanton-

1. rmvb file: in.rmvb
2. avi file: out.avi

Information for the avi file
format: mpeg4
bitrate:1200 kb/s
fps: 25 fps
format: mp3
bitrate: 128 kb/s

mencoder in.rmvb -oac mp3lame -lameopts preset=128 -ovc lavc -lavcopts vcodec=mpeg4:vbitrate=1200 -ofps 25 -of avi -o out.avi

-oac: output audio codec
mp3lame: library used for audio encoding
-lameopts: options used along with lame
preset: values for audio bitrate, you can set 64, 128, 224, etc
-ovc: ouput video codec
lavc: library used for video encoding
-lavcopts: options used along with lavc
vcodec: video codec, you can use mpeg1video, mpeg4, etc
vbitrate: video bitrate, you can set 600, 1000, 1200, etc
-ofps: outpt frame per second ( fps)
-of: output file container type
-o: output filename

Mencoder is a powerful tool to convert multimedia, just like the above 
example, we can use it to convert rmvb to avi. With suitable library and 
codecs, we can even use it to convert file format like rm, wmv etc.

Reference link:

En lugar de AVI puedes seleccionar un archivo de salida MPEG/MPG.

¹ http://fedoraforum.org/forum/showthread.php?t=104161



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