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Re: Acentua??o no Emacs (Era: Hist?ria do DOS, OS/2 e Mach)

On Thu, Apr 19, 2001 at 04:46:47PM +0200, Shay Moreno wrote:
> 	Descobri!!  M-x iso-accents-customize RET portuguese.
> 	? isso a?, um pepino a menos!  Realmente o Emacs ? uma ferramenta
> maravilhosa.

Tente tambem:
	M-x doctor 	(o elisa, um psicanalista em Lisp)
	M-x hanoi  	(resolve recursivamente o prob. das torres de hanoi)
	M-x type-break-mode 	(te força a parar para descansar os tendoes a
				 cada X toques)
	M-x hexl-mode 	(edita arquivos binários)
	M-x shell 	(que tal abrir uma shell dentro do editor de textos?)

Se alguém vier dizendo que o emacs só falta falar instrua-o a dar
apt-get install emacspeak ;)

"If you have an apple and I have  an apple and we  exchange apples then you 
 and I will still each have  one apple. But  if you have an idea and I have 
 an idea and we exchange these ideas, then each of us will have two ideas."
                                                        George Bernard Shaw 

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