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X forwarding via Putty auf Cygwin geht nicht mehr

Hallo Leute,

ich habe nun meine Kiste (testing) wieder mit dem Nvidiagelumps zum
laufen bekommen. Bisher habe ich mich von W2k (Cygwin/X Server) aus mit
Putty auf meinen Debian Rechner eingeloggt. 
Und nun:
dirk@pinguinstall:~$ kicker
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
QPixmap: Cannot create a QPixmap when no GUI is being used
Xlib: connection to "localhost:10.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

kded: cannot connect to X server localhost:10.0
DCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-1460' to 'kded'
kded: ERROR: Communication problem with kded, it probably crashed.
Xlib: connection to "localhost:10.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

kdeinit: Can't connect to the X Server.
kdeinit: Might not terminate at end of session.
Xlib: connection to "localhost:10.0" refused by server
Xlib: No protocol specified

kicker: cannot connect to X server localhost:10.0
DCOP aborting call from 'anonymous-1451' to 'kicker'
ERROR: Communication problem with kicker, it probably crashed.
dirk@pinguinstall:~$ Mutex destroy failure: Das Gerät oder die Ressource
ist belegt   

Google bringt nicht so richtig was. Was kann ich machen?



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