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Re: HOWTOs to txt..

On 1999-05-04 14:46, Brian Servis wrote:

> The HOWTO's are all converted to postscript which are nicely formated
> and ready for printing.  The mini-HOWTO's are not available as ps
> though.  Some are available in SGML which can be converted to ps(I have
> not done it but it is possible some how)

With DocBook you do something like this:

STYLE = /usr/lib/sgml/stylesheet/dsssl/docbook/nwalsh/print/docbook.dsl

jade -d $STYLE -t tex input_file.sgml
jadetex input_file.tex
dvips input_file.dvi -o input_file.ps

Just in case someone needs it, I have enclosed a Makefile that
generate most (if not all) the formats that DocBook stylesheets
support (directly or indirectly).

Allan M. Wind			Phone: 	781.938.5272 (home)
687 Main Street, 2nd Floor	Fax: 	781.938.6641 (fax/modem)
Woburn, MA 01801		Email: 	wind@freewwweb.com (home)
.PHONEY: all clean

DVI2PDF = dvipdf
DVI2PS = dvips
JADE = jade
TEX = jadetex

DSSSL_BASE = /usr/lib/dsssl/stylesheets/docbook
DSSSL_HTML = $(DSSSL_BASE)/html/docbook.dsl
DSSSL_RTF = $(DSSSL_BASE)/print/docbook.dsl
DSSSL_TEX = $(DSSSL_BASE)/print/docbook.dsl

SUFFIX_REMOVE = aux,dvi,log,ps,pdf,rtf,tex

	rm -f *.{$(SUFFIX_REMOVE)}

# patern rules

%.dvi: %.tex
	$(TEX) $?

%.html: %.sgml
	$(JADE) -d $(DSSSL_HTML) -t tex $?

%.pdf: %.dvi
	$(DVI2PDF) $? $@

%.ps: %.dvi
	$(DVI2PS) -f $? -o $@

%.rtf: %.sgml
	$(JADE) -d $(DSSSL_RTF) -t rtf $?

%.tex: %.sgml
	$(JADE) -d $(DSSSL_TEX) -t tex $?

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