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Re: synthfm.shk

On Thu, Feb 11, 1999 at 10:57:03PM +1100, Shao Zhang wrote:
> Hi,
> 	In the kernel 2.2.1's documentation for sound, the file AWE32
> contains the following line:
> 	AWE32:post-install awe_wave /usr/bin/sfxload /usr/synthfm.sbk
> 	I have got the program sfxload installed, but where can I find the
> file synthfm.shk?? I searched the debian both stable & unstable and
> couldn't find the file..

You need a sound font bank. There are sound font banks distributed with the
Windows driver, and there are free ones in the net (CHAOS banks). Check the
homepage of the AWE driver (see my HOWTO for that, on my web page below).

PS: /usr is a very inappropriate directory for it. Try
/usr/local/data/snd/fonts or similar.


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