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Re: X in Sid

Curtis Howland wrote:

Hi. Sorry, I'm going to have fun with this one.
Lynx is saying that Yahoo's "attach files" option is
malformed, so I cannot attach the file. I also don't
have copy and paste.
apt-get install gpm
Then you'll have a console-based mouse that will do cut&paste for you (but remember to set it to repeat "raw" and change your mouse setting in XF86Config-4 to /dev/gpmdata, or the console mouse and the X mouse will fight over the mouse data).

So I have created a single file web server:
that has one file, and indexing turned on. Let me know
if you have any problems getting the file.
Nothing obvious in your logfile. As someone else posted earlier today, it might not be X you're having a problem with, but rather whatever wm/de you're using. Try creating a ~/.xinitrc file with the single line:
(or "twm", or any other simple window manager) (and make sure to "apt-get install icewm" if necessary") and then try starting X. If X starts up then, you know the problem is not with X, but with your normal desktop environment/window manager.


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