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Re: Xwindows in Sid

On Mon, Feb 23, 2004 at 10:14:08AM -0800, Curtis Howland wrote:
> However, I have hit a serious snag. I did the usual
> weekly or so update, and the Xwindows libraries were,
> ah, "fixed" after a dist-upgrade to correct for the
> file overlaps. However, X no longer works.
> If anyone has a way through the morass without wiping
> and reinstalling, I would love to hear about it.

Not to lessen the impact of the problem you're having, but why in the world
would you need to wipe the box and reinstall, just because X doesn't work?

I could see perhaps needing to remove X completely, and put it back.

> If there is a pointer to this already solved, I'd be grateful for that as
> well.

There's not, because you don't give any information.  Define "no longer
works", please.  What does the log say, and what does it NOT say?

No one can solve your problem if you don't tell them what the problem is.

 Marc Wilson |     Use what talents you possess: the woods would be
 msw@cox.net |     very silent if no birds sang there except those that
             |     sang best.  -- Henry Van Dyke

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